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Church renovation. 500m2.

Front, entry, foyer, cafe, lounge, hallway, storage, hall, auditorium.

Holdfast Baptist

cafe wide
table close
front after
table fins foyer
planter box
wall shelving 2
fins & table
hall, bifold, floor, walls, ceiling
hall ceiling
hall play area
linings 1
linings 2
front before
front after1
framing 2
framing 1
fins leg
storage cupboard
fins & table 2
fins & doors
fins & couch
entry low
entry before
chapel lights
corner before
corner after
entry bifolds lounge
table cafe
corner & lights
bifold, lounge, fins
bulkhead fins table
table top scraping
table lounge
table fins
Storage 2
Planter box 2
from the couch
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